Friday, January 6, 2023

tuesday, august 16th: PCT rock crew, final hitch, day 7

and there's waning days left. we shared reflections at dinner and i cried, for love, for the sadness of leaving

for the triumph of living

for a rat scurrying past nick's tent,

for a high scramble for a spot to pee, for a spat of shade in a low point for lunch.

for a final dip in Raymond lake,

for school starting in less than a week. For the others I will meet, so much I have to learn.

So long, these sweet breezes down to work, and brutal, hungry hikes back to camp, and the love of cool cool snowmelt from these peaks upon my skin.

To looking out at mountains when a cloud of shoveled dirt clears.

we gather, we part.

life is limitless. who does she hope to become? who will we find ourselves, in a year, five, a decade?

voices carry from the hill.

dusk passes. The birds are quiet and the lake is still.

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